svg’s to clean them up.Ĭleaner (smaller file size). svg’s results in duplicating all this unnecessary bloat. Using the built-in parts editor and/or inkscape/illustrator without any subsequent text editing of the. In the case of DIP’s, there’s also very clumsy and inefficient graphics showing the chip coloration and the pin 1 notch. svg code that displayed the DIP, I found a bunch of useless-to-Fritzing tags, ID’s, and other stuff. It appears that only a few devices show both notch and indent at the same time, and this ended up the Fritzing default. svg files and found some strange constructs.ĭIPS “usually” have only one pin 1 marker - either notch, indent, paint stripe, paint dot, etc - depending on manufacturer preferences. I used the parts editor to create the first, then took a look at the underlying. Our circuit(s) are relatively simple, but I needed two additional parts (a 24-pin DIP and a 14-pin DIP) not in the inventory. I needed a schematic/breadboard tool for the Pico, and the Raspberry Pi Foundation released a Fritzing part for it. Hello Kjell and Peter I please trouble you to review the attached Fritzing part, a quad OR-Gate SN74HC32N? I’m new to Fritzing, and am using an older “free” version (0.9.3b) to evaluate.Ī bit of background: I’m mentoring a high school robotics team, and the team chose to use the Raspberry Pi Pico W (WiFi) for their project.